EQ Savvy Entrepreneur Bares It All…
What does that even mean?
Since when does being rude win anything?
Founder agrees to give the first 1000 people to join VIP extra special BONUS(ES?!?!) just to prove her “communication success secrets” can work for anyone.
So, You Like To Read...
“But a piece of paper can be a powerful presence. I have always had enormous respect for the written word…”
~ Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
Me, too…
I love the depth of words, phrases, and sentences. How much you can learn about a person, situation, place, topic, or thing…
Such a powerful tool for communication…
Let’s see if I can use it to convey what it means to use communication that inspires…
And how you can use it to Make More Wins…
Have you ever wondered why some people just seem lucky? Why they get the promotion? The opportunity? Or why everyone seems to gravitate towards them?
I mean, you’re talented, hardworking, and friendly.
Why not you?
You’re probably feeling a crazy cocktail of emotions ranging from frustration with your boss, to overwhelm with your work, and resentful of someone you actually like…
And that makes us even more confused…
So, you might even get pretty down on yourself…
Or think you need to go back to school to get that higher degree…
Believing, at least partially, you’ll get that higher paycheck…
But the problem with that is, in most cases, you’ll just end up back on the ground floor somewhere else…
Even more frustrated…
And, now, resentful towards yourself, too…
For being in the hole at least $100K:/
"I made LESS $$$ working in biotech than I did my 1st year as an apprentice doing hair!!"
Hey, I’m Dr. B…
And I know exactly how you feel.
Not long ago I was a happy hairstylist, young wife and mom of three… with a burning passion for science.
I owned my own salon with a great business partner…
Had a fantastic clientele, flexible schedule, and made great money…
But I was bored…
And I was already making more $$$ than anyone around me…
So, I went back to school…
Every year, I had to cut back on doing hair a little more and a little more…
Which meant less and less $ coming in…
And, less and less time with my family…
But, hey, I was going to be a doctor (PhD)…
And with the stack of degrees I was earning… biochemistry, biomedical engineering, bioelectrics…
With the diverse research experiences I was having…
I thought surely I’d make a bigger stack of $$$ than I could ever make doing hair…
Truth is, after 10 years of subjecting myself to the academic grind…
Earning degrees in highly desirable fields, with an assortment of highly desirable skills…
I made less $$$ working in biotech than I did my 1st year as an apprentice doing hair.
"If you want to live an extraordinary life, full of purpose, meaning, and wealth all you have to do is learn to communicate on a higher level."
Don’t get me wrong…
I love science, engineering, and research! I just thought it would have a higher ROI (return on investment)!
And it will, but not because of the degrees…
It will because I realized my greatest asset wasn’t my ability to learn and think…
I mean those are great…
But it was my ability to communicate in a way that INSPIRES WINNING RESULTS…
See, communication directly impacts every single aspect of your life…
It’ll determine the car you drive…
House you live in…
Where you work…
Even whether you ever get your lost luggage back;)
Therefore, if you want to live an extraordinary life…
Full of purpose, meaning, and wealth…
All you have to do is learn to communicate on a higher level.
"We lack the collaborative spirit in our industries because we were never taught it to begin with."
The problem is that the whole system is rigged for failure!
I mean, we think our “money maker” is something we shake…
Like a saltshaker or polaroid picture…
And, the academic environment is set up to get information out…
Rather than getting it in…
(Which I think is the 2nd Biggest Problem with our education system, next to teaching what to think versus how to think… because if they actually did that, there would be no such thing as an atheist… but that’s a topic for another day;)
And, now, the world is changing so fast…
The demand for newer, better, faster innovations is making this communication problem more and more obvious than ever before!
At every biotech/ health tech meet-up, the topic comes up…
Perhaps it’s coming up in your industry, too…
We lack the collaborative spirit…
Now, I pose to you that it is because…
We were never taught it to begin with…
"With the wrong internal dialog, you'll become a hostage in your own skin."
See, I believe what made me successful was that I consider the collaborative spirit as two parts…
First, the Spirit (as in the Holy One)…
And, second, the communication skills to collaborate…
Which is how I discovered that there are levels of communication…
And that they are tied to, or correlated with, levels of value…
In order to climb the value ladder, one must master the communication skills associated with that level…
When one tries to jump levels, or fail to develop the skillset required for that level…
There are major problems…
For example, the lack of the collaborative spirit is due to the lack of level one and level two communication skills…
Level one skills involve mastering our internal dialog, while level two involves mastering dialog that unifies…
But, I’ll go more into that in the challenge…
And there is so much more at stake here…
I don’t mean to get all gloom…
But it’s too important not to…
When we try to jump levels…
We end up sending the wrong message…
Therefore, what we are actually (broadly) communicating in our communities, our homes, and around the world…
Is that we value progress over people…
Trying to jump the value ladder without developing the corresponding skillset…
So we end up with 2-types of people…
People believing they deserve something they haven’t earned…
Aka… entitlement…
Or people believing they deserve nothing because they aren’t producing the desired results…
Leading to overwhelm and depression…
And that’s why we have more people…
Including our children, young adults, and graduate students…
Trying to escape the pressure…
Turning to drugs… alcohol… and suicide…
See, with the focus on the out-put of information (via production/results) …
Rather than the in-put of information (communication)…
We’re instilling the wrong beliefs and values system…
And with that, we aren’t even mastering level one skills…
Communication with self…
As in, your internal dialog…
And, with the wrong internal dialog, you’ll become a hostage in your own skin…
If you’ve lost someone precious, my heart goes out to you…
"Inspiration can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to share the light."
I know this won’t come as much consolation…
But I want you to know that it is not your fault.
And that there is absolutely something we all can, and should, do about it…
We can take on the responsibility and privilege to inspire others with what we communicate by our words and actions…
I love the quote by J.K. Rowling — ‘Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.’
But I prefer to think of it like this – ‘Inspiration can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to share the light.’
"Why would God make me like this and put me in science?!"
If you are in the sciences, biotech, or healthcare space, you’re no stranger to dark times (and places)…
You know…
I used to wish away my talents…
Crazy, right?
But being socially extroverted, showing passion and enthusiasm for research…
Actually, makes you the awkward one…
And an easy target…
I mean, I don’t exactly fit the PhD stereotype…
With characteristics I’ve come to embrace…
In spite of their best efforts to grill and grind them out of me…
I remember people telling me not to be so enthusiastic…
One professor even wanted to fail me on a seminar because he said “it was like a show”…
Well, pardon me for thinking science should be entertaining…
But the reality was…
It hurt…
And I would pray to God…
Asking why He would make me like this and put me in science…
I didn’t realize it at the time, but He put me there…
Like this…
To be the light in the dark place…
To do my part at restoring the proper order in science…
For “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” [Proverbs 25:2]
And, as scientists, that is what we do…
We search out that which God has concealed…
And, it is our honor to do so…
FYI… was the prevailing belief among scientists…
Until they started acting like a bunch of teenagers in the early 20th Century…
You give them a few insights into the ways of the world, and they think they know eeeeveryyyyythiiiing!
Ha ha ha…
But, the truth is…
Without God’s presence…
Without His mercy and grace…
There is no joy, no purpose, or meaning in our work…
Our meetings are egocentric, chaotic, and pointless…
Arguing amongst ourselves like a bunch of “uncircumcised Philistine(s)” [1 Samuel 17:26]…
Our research efforts, bearing an abundance of wicked fruits…
Our cures, riddled with atrocious side-effects…
Without the Spirit, as in the Holy One, there is no collaborative spirit …
See, I realized that He didn’t put me here because He loves me so much…
He put me here because He loves YOU so much…
He is The God that relentlessly seeks us…
To restore us…
To show us mercy…
In spite of our stupid selves…
(And in the wake of a global pandemic and global turmoil…)
He still wants to show us mercy we don’t deserve, yet have all been praying for…
And it doesn’t matter if you admit it or not…
That’s between you and your Maker…
But, I think we all were praying…
That’s root level communication…
And now that I understand (1) that my purpose is to do my part in bringing the collaborative spirit back…
(2) The unique position my degrees put me in…
And (3) The revelation my journey led to…
It all clicked…
God had opened my eyes to what had been there all along…
See, the major disconnect was in communication…
Something I happened to be great at!
But why?
Why was I able to bring out brilliant ideas, negotiate the best deals, and have people begging to work with me…
Or crying that they didn’t…
I just felt so humbled and grateful for them and their unique brilliance, their genius…
I hadn’t stopped long enough to realize what mine really was…
But, then it hit me…
I was negotiating a HUGE DEAL… Around $1 Million… to start…
When I realized that the terms weren’t going to be met…
And, compromising on quality was NOT an option…
Compromising on timeline wasn’t ideal either…
But the deal was something that would impact the lives of real patients, with real cancers, and even realer lives they were fighting to save…
And even harder to get back to…
Talk about some heavy stuff!
Too heavy…
So, what do you do when entire companies, billions of dollars and lives are at stake…
Obviously, I had to call it…
But how?!?!?
By communicating on a higher level, I was able to, first, keep my client from blowing his lid… and then, help them come up with a solution that checked all the boxes…
You know, the kind where everyone wins…
In the end, everyone involved was pumped!
They’d come up with an even better plan! Something cutting edge and innovative!
And, as a bonus…
My client’s clients… were super impressed…
While this may have been a multimillion $$$ deal…
If it wasn’t caught, it would have cost them…
At least 1000X as much in the long run…
While it may have taken a bit longer to deliver…
It was well worth it…
Since it did the most important thing…
It honored the patients…
See, when you raise the bar on your communications…
You raise it for everyone around you…
Essentially, you’ll be able to inspire the best outcomes and generate more wins!
"You'll bring the collaborative spirit and your brilliantly inspired innovations to life! "
See, what I still hadn’t realized, and perhaps this was the tipping point…
Was that I’d developed a highly effective strategy for making more wins long before I entered biotech…
It just took me over a decade of grinding to get to biotech where I finally could see how valuable those skills were…
Hindsight is always 20/20 isn’t it?
When I look back, I see that it’s what brought me clients…
Brought me through the rigorous curriculums…
Into biotech…
And beyond…
To a place where I could finally realize what leveling up actually means…
It means gaining the communication skills to inspire more people…
And now, I’m helping go-getters like you so you can reach your dreams too…
See, when you start using communication that inspires, you’ll share the light with everyone around you…
Not only will you serve as a beacon of hope for others…
But you’ll be making more of the best kinds of wins…
Because implementing inspiring communication skills no matter where you are or what you’re trying to accomplish brings out the best in yourself and others…
So, instead of trying to strong arm your colleague to get the job done, you’ll inspire them to get it done right, the first time…
Instead of chasing that promotion, that promotion will be chasing you…
And, rather than drooling on yourself during bored meetings, I mean board meetings (just seeing if you’re still with me;)…
You’ll bring the collaborative spirit and your brilliantly inspired innovations to life!
"Essentially, Making you a MONEY, as in $$$ bills y'all, Magnet!"
But, that’s not it…
When you use communication that inspires in alignment with your goals and aims…
You start attracting them!
And, the more you use them the more attractive you become…
I’m talking about the relationships you always wanted to have…
The career you always wanted to have…
The top talent you always wanted to work with…
Essentially, Making you a MONEY, as in $$$ bills y’all, Magnet!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
Anyway, that’s why I created the Make More Wins Challenge…
Just for you…
So you can gain the communication skills required to lead an inspiring life, full of purpose, passion, and meaning…
So you can make a difference in the world around you…
And live a life of abundance.
The question is…
Will you rise to the challenge?
Perhaps a bit of a cliche, but are you wise enough…
Responsible enough…
To take Gandhi’s advice…
And learn how you can “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
I think you are!
And, helping PASSION FUELED PURPOSE DRIVEN people reach heights they’d only begun to dream of…
Faster, without all the heartache, run around, and hundreds of thousands of $$$ in the hole…
And if they are, help them finally get the ROI they deserve…
Now that’s what it’s really all about for me…
So, here’s what this looks like…
Building Relationships, Uniting, Empowering, and Deliberative … The BRUED Formula is your road map to becoming fluent at inspiring communication.
I’ve created a formula that’s easy to learn, implement…
And, not just get you communicating effectively, so that you get inspired results…
But actually attracts your dreams to you…
I call this process B-RUED…
Common now, I’m a PhD… we name stuff after ourselves…
You didn’t honestly think I’d tell you all that and then tell you to be rude did you?!?
B-RUED stands for…
Building relationships, uniting, empowering, and deliberative … the BRUED Formula
It’s your road map to becoming…
Fluent at inspiring communication…
It’s the way to align your communications with the outcomes and results you desire…
Making more wins…
And perfecting your inspirational yet strategic…
Winning Blueprint…
Building Relationships Uniting Empowering and Deliberative is actually the foundation of…
The Make More Wins, Winning Masterfully Blueprint-
***Automate, Delegate, Extrapolate, Innovate, and Inspire…***
If you’re dwelling on how badly you need and deserve a raise…
Or you’re seriously considering jumping ship…
You cannot afford to go another day without these crucial skills and strategies…
Which I only teach…
In my “Make More Wins” Challenge.
This challenge…
Slams the door shut on what if’s and yeah buts…
Unlocks the door of possibilities…
And flings the doors wide open to your unlimited potential…
To get you started in the challenge, we want to offer you a complimentary training session…
Where I introduce you to what it really means to BRUED & Win Big and how you can start creating more of your own wins today.
"I can't wait to see what you accomplish when you harness the power of inspiring communication to Make More Wins and start living life by your own inspired design!"
The way I see it, you have 3-Options…
Option 1…
Quit while your ahead…
Keep doing what you’re doing…
And keep crying as opportunities pass you buy…
Doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time, but I’m not yucking your yum if that’s you…
Option 2…
Go the long way…
Read a ton of books on every kind of subject, join a bunch of communities that amount to boredom and nothing…
Oh, and attend a bunch of seminars…
Hoping you’ll figure it out on your own…
Wasting a bunch of your precious time you could otherwise be spending on stuff you actually like to do…
And money on a bunch of stuff that doesn’t work…
Or Option 3…
Take the short-cut…
Join the Make More Wins Challenge…
Become an inspired communicator…
And buy back your precious time so you can spend time doing more of what you love…
Like getting rich faster so you have more time to enjoy it with those you love…
Whichever you choose, I’m sure it’s the right path for you.
For those of you who decide to join us in the next Make More Wins Challenge…
I look forward to serving you…
And I can’t wait to see what you accomplish when you harness the power of inspiring communication to Make More Wins and start living life by your own inspired design!
In the mean time…
Stay blessed!
And thank you for using communication that inspires!
Dr. B:)
You Can Step Up To The Challenge
There Are Two Ways. Here’s How:
♥ Via Live Challenge
♥ Recordings Available For A Limited Time
The Next Challenge Starts:
November 13th – November 17th
General Admission
Here’s what you get…
- 5 Days Of Winning Strategies With Dr. B. EQ Hacker...
- Access To Make More Wins Facebook Group
- Dominate The Marketplace And Crush The Competition
- How To Inspire The Results You Want
VIP Experience
Here’s what you get…
- 5 Days Of Winning Strategies With Dr. B. EQ Hacker...
- Access To Make More Wins Facebook Group
- Dominate The Marketplace And Crush The Competition
- How To Inspire The Results You Want
- VIP Backstage Pass to Watch And Learn From The Zoom Q&A As Dr. B. Answers Questions To Platinum VIP Ticket Holders (this is an additional hour of training each day)
- EQ Hacker's Million $ Makeover
- EQ Hacker's Focus Factors
- First Access To Purchase An Upgraded Platinum VIP Ticket (you will be notified via email when doors open). Platinum VIP Ticket Holders Will Be Guaranteed To Ask Dr. B. A Question About Their Business.